Hiring a Marketing Agency vs. Hiring an In-House Marketer

In today’s fast-paced business world, effective marketing is more important than ever. With every company needing a comprehensive marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition and increase their bottom line, it is essential to choose the right marketing approach that will help achieve these goals. One question that always comes up is whether to…

Understanding the differences between SEO and PPC

What’s the difference between SEO and PPC?

It’s easy to stay hidden online within the hundreds of thousands of websites and content produced that may be  similar to yours. How do you get your website and information to stand out? What makes a page rank really well on sites like Google and Bing? Knowing how to get in front of your digital…

Example of a Table Featured Snippet

Everything You Should Know About Featured Snippets

What Are Featured Snippets? A featured snippet is a selected search result that appears in organic Google search results, answering the search query. It appears on the first page of the SERP, just above the first result listing. It is enhanced to draw user attention on the results page. The three major types of featured…